Should Integrative Oncology Overtake Conventional Treatments

Integrative oncology has many advantages over conventional medicine and must now be taken seriously in terms of treatments offered to every cancer patient and insurance coverage.

The conventional approach to treating cancer is to use surgery to remove the tumor and then chemotherapy and radiation to fight the remaining cancer cells. These treatments have been proven to only work on certain cancers with certain drugs
and they know this up front. So, why are they still using them? They are patients not told this information from when they are diagnosed? And, there are definite side effects from these treatments that render a person almost helpless.

People will experience severe pain, vomitting, complete hair loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation and many, many more. Does this sound natural to you, it’s barbaric. If people don’t die from the treatments, then they usually stop them
as their body can’t handle the poisonous chemotherapy chemicals running through their veins and the radiation that is burning them from the inside out. Doctors try and convince the cancer patient that if you stop, you’ll die. That couldn’t be further
from the truth. Education and knowledge shall set you free.

Integrative oncology has proven to be so effective that it should be in consideration for the first line of treatments when someone is first diagnosed with cancer and, the same medical insurance coverage should be given.

Integrative oncology can be defined as a method that joins conventional cancer treatments with more traditional treatments such as metabolic medicine, nutrition therapy, ozone therapy and also infared sauna’s.

Using integrative oncology protocols has several advantages, here’s a few of them:

It helps cancer patients realize that they have more time than than think.

It is comforting to patients to know that the treatments they will be receiving are not only effective but will help them feel better almost immediately.

And, that you will learn while at a healing center exactly what to do when you go home so you stop doing the things that lead you to the center to begin with.

Here are some common integrative oncology treatments today that physicians are using with tremendous success:

Intravenous high dose vitamin c

This therapy presents huge problems for cancer cells as it works at a metabolic level and they just can’t respond. This is food for healthy cells and poison to cancer cells.

B17 helps with the patients energy levels which gives them the stamina needed for the duration of treatments.

Green Juice Protocol

Green juicing is loaded with nutrients that provide exactly what the body needs and helps the body rest so it can heal, regenerate and rejuvenate. It also allows the digestive system to rest and gives the immune system the opportunity to do what it does
best and fight off the cancer cells.

So does the integrative oncology journal have it right? Does this methodology deserve to have top billing along with conventional treatments in terms of patients knowing that they have options, understanding what
those options are and also having them covered by insurance? The results seem to speak for themselves and this should be the case, time will tell.