Top Risk Factors That Increase Tooth Decay

A lot of risk factors contribute to the occurrence of tooth decay. It is not just caused by improper brushing of teeth, which increases the growth of bacteria. This dental issue is also a result of the foods you eat, specifically anything with high starch and sugar content. The information below will also provide you more insight on what further contributes to decaying teeth, and what makes you more at risk of this issue.

Tooth decay occurs because of two things: a diet that is high in starch and sugar, and the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Once the latter combines with your saliva and food, it formulates plaque, which turns into tartar. The presence of bacteria in the mouth also leads to dissolving your teeth’s structure, causing the development of a hole or cavity.

Starchy foods aid in formulation of cavities by increasing the stickiness of plaque that turns to tartar if not removed on your teeth within two days. With the help of the bacteria present in the plaque, sugar is converted into acid, which is what causes the holes in your teeth.

Other than these, diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome, any disease that involves dry mouth, and genetic factors like the ones listed below, make you more susceptible to tooth decay.

1. The size and shape of your teeth may leave you more at risk of developing cavity. In this case, people with small teeth with several deep grooves and pits are more likely to suffer from cavity formation. These spaces or grooves cause the formation of plaque, making it difficult to reach and remove.

2. The enamel serves as your teeth protection against cavities. If your teeth are covered with thin enamel, it will not take long for cavity to damage your teeth, and break through.

3. The position of your teeth, and the way you bite also play a role on how much you are at risk of developing cavities. If your teeth are not properly positioned, you become more at risk of plaque accumulation. In the same way, a poorly aligned bite may lead to wearing down your enamel rapidly, leaving the soft dentin unprotected.

4. The time your tooth erupted also contributes to how much you are at risk of tooth decay. Experts state that people whose permanent teeth erupted earlier are more at risk of cavities. They explained that people at that stage have not developed proper oral hygiene practices yet.

As a conclusion, various factors may increase your risk of suffering from tooth decay. However, a proper hygiene developed at an early stage may serve as your best defense against this dental health issue. If this is not applied early on, you still have one last shot, which will need the help of the experts in the field.